In This Episode
Today, Neal is joined by yet another Neil! Dr. Neil Stanley is one of the foremost sleep specialists and he has conducted many clinical sleep studies, published 38 peer-reviewed papers, and is author of the book How To Sleep Well.
He and Neal talk about insomnia, sleep cycles, and the role of melatonin. They also discuss falling asleep and staying asleep, waking up too early, depression, the boxed mattress craze, and of course- CBD.
Topics Discussed
- Awareness of sleep quality is backfiring
- Definition of insomnia
- Personalities related to insomnia
- Non-refreshing sleep
- Medication affecting sleep cycles
- Help for trouble falling asleep
- Melatonin
- Waking in the middle of the night
- Waking up too early
- Depression
- Sleep hygiene
- Sleeping positions
- Mattresses in a box
- Sleep studies
All About Neil Stanley
Dr. Neil Stanley, is an independent freelance sleep expert. He has been involved in sleep research for more than 36 years. In 1982 he started his career at the Neurosciences Division of the R.A.F. Institute of Aviation Medicine.
He moved to the Human Psychopharmacology Research Unit (HPRU), part of the University of Surrey, in 1993 where as Director of Sleep Research, he created and ran a 24 bed sleep laboratory designed for clinical trials.
Since 2009 Dr. Stanley has been freelance and now spends most of his time travelling the UK and abroad, lecturing on various aspects of sleep to healthcare professionals, companies, and members of the public.
He has published 38 peer-reviewed papers on various aspects of sleep research and psychopharmacology.
In 2004 Dr. Stanley received his PhD from the University of Surrey on the basis of his published works. In addition to setting up a clinical sleep service at the HPRU, he was also involved, on a freelance basis, in the setting up and development of the sleep service at The London Clinic.
He has also worked in the clinical sleep laboratories at ScanSleep, Copenhagen and the Lovisenberg Hospital, Oslo.
Since 2016 Dr. Stanely has had academic and scientific oversight of the Leeds Sleep Evaluation Questionnaire (LSEQ) developed by Professor Ian Hindmarch.
He was a member of the Executive Committee of the Assembly of National Sleep Societies (2004 to 2009) and is co-author of the Guidelines for Accreditation of Sleep Medicine Centres; Guidelines for Sleep Medicine Education in Europe2, and Standard procedures for Adult Sleep Medicine.