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Second dose: Next steps
Step 1
Learn About Your 2nd Dose
- Second Doses will be sent automatically to us
- Second Doses are GUARANTEED to be here
- We are only given the Second Doses for exactly the number of people we gave first doses for on that specific date
- You MUST get your Second Dose from the exact spot you got your first one from. If that was me, that means you come back to me.
- If you are in need of a Second Dose, we can add you to our Second Dose Standby List, but we cannot promise you will receive a dose.
Step 2
Be There Or Be Square
Your Second Dose appointment will be for the exact same time and day your 1st dose appointment was, 4 weeks later for Moderna and 3 weeks later for Pfizer.
- If you do not recall what time and date, please see your confirmation email.
- If you did not receive a confirmation email, that’s a dirty stinky lie and it’s somewhere in your inbox. Unless, of course, you spelled your email address wrong.
Still not sure? Check your appointment information by clicking the Appointment Confirmation button below.
Step 3
Understand the Side Effects
Second Doses tend to be a bit, eh, “bitey” compared to First Doses. Prep for your Second Dose by reading up on side effects and how to manage them. Review the EUAs for your vaccine (see the Resources below), or, ready my article, Life After COVID Vaccines.
Show up to the clinic 10 minutes early but do not get out of your car until exactly 5 minutes before your appointment to ensure optimal flow and to reduce confusion at the clinic.
Forgot your appointment time? Confirm your appointment:
If you have any questions about logistics, we are accepting them via email only. Please DO NOT call the store.
Vaccine Information
Vaccine Q&A Webinar
Is The Vaccine Safe?
Was It Rushed?
How does it work?
Don't Fear The Vaccine
Vaccine Q&A Webinar
Is The Vaccine Safe?
Was It Rushed?
How does it work?
Don't Fear The Vaccine